Monday, September 01, 2008


Early on August 29th I woke a few hours early to begin packing before my last day of work. I sheepishly checked the weather in England, browsed facebook photos, then read through my email. I wasn't too surprised to see an email from Zoom Airlines in my inbox as I assumed it was a confirmation email. I opened it. Read it, blinked, read it again, on the 4th and 5th read my eyes widened and I thought...OH F*CK! The email was a notification of suspension due to soaring fuel prices and that all flights as of August 28th have been canceled, including mine booked for August 31st, two days following. All calmness and logic went out the window. It was a day full of anxiety, worry, being on hold with Visa, bribing travel agents with free frapaccinos, and rebooking London reservations. At the end of the day I secured a refund with Visa and a cheaper flight with AirCanada that departs on the evening of September 5th. Eventhough I am anxious to go, this mishap buys me more time for research which I can definitley use more of.

Because of the flight delay I was able to celebrate my birthday in Toronto! First, I spent Saturday night at Joey's family's farm/cottage in Ajax about 45 minutes outside of Toronto. It was such a treat to get out of the city and be introduced to Ontario's countryside. We ate yummy food, stargazed, (until I got spooked) and sun worshiped. So fun!

The group shot is taken on Sunday, the night of my Brithday. In the phtoto is Tanya, myself, Tamara and Tika at a swank resteraunt & lounge called Spice Route. It was also Tamara's 28th birthday. Tamara and I got treated to a night out on the town. After Spice Route and some very nice car jams, we made appearances to Beakonsfeild Lounge and The Drake Night Club. Thanks for the awseome time ladies, I am forever touched by your kindess and generosity xox

I hope you are having a restful and fun long weekend. Thank you for all of your birthday wishes and your concern when you heard about Zoom.


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