Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Feel the Vibe

I feel fortunate to be where I am. To be in the UK and living in Chester with Tamara and Jo. Currently, I'm working as a Batista in one of the city centre's cafes. I'm pictured above in front of it. From working there, I've gained insight into British culture. There is some good with the bad of course but I'm embracing the cultural differences. I also start a waitress gig today at an Italian Restaurant in town. I'll let you know how it is. I tried to do the netball thing, but I just don't like the sport :( It's not hands on enough for either Tamara or I. So, to avoid the true consequences of the high-carb British diet, I'm running along the canals and doing weekly group circuit training at the community centre.

I'm loving how central Chester is to the rest of the UK. On my days off I've been able to do day trips to neighbouring parts of Wales and England. Two weeks ago I explored Manchester. The city has been my favorite thus far because of its vibrant people, fashion and eclectic architecture. The Picture above is of St. Mary's Cathedral in Manchester. I'm anticipating a return visit to catch some live music or a football match! The landscape photo was taken from the top of a hill in Wales. Jo, Tamara and I, along three of Jo's mates, spent last Sunday hiking. The photo of myself with the fantastic backdrop was taken a few days ago in Llandundo Wales. Spontaneously, I decided to spend the day there on my own and it was an amazing day. The ocean, landscape, animals and pastel coloured buildings created such a calm, peaceful vibe. I love that each place I have visited so far has an energy that I have connected differently with. I can anticipate that my memory on the specifics of historic buildings and museums will eventually fade, however, the way I feel in a place and from the people in it is simply unforgettable.


Towely said...
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Towely said...

Sorry that above deleted comment was me, I wasn't done yet and hit publish by accident.

Anyways, this is so great, I can't believe it took me so long to find this. Awesome idea to start a blog!


Carlee said...

thanks for leaving a comment, spread the love!! Yeah blogs are great...do it up - would love to read your stuff...it'll bring me right back to Eng lit 11 with Morehead. I think he secretly had a shrine of your stuff.