Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Some Mo' Soul Searching

First off, Happy 30th birthday to my brother Jeff! This year has been huge for you. I hope all your dreams come true on your special day, cause it all goes to shit after this...just kidding ;) On Nov 5th I participated in UK's annual Guy Fawkes Night (photo of 4 bundled up bunnies.) It is a night of fireworks and bonfires throughout the UK to commemorate the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 when some Catholic peeps including Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the House of Parliament in London. The bonfire was massive and very mesmerizing (photo.) The fireworks were so close that I could smell the burn and feel falling ashes on my face, much different than viewing fireworks from a barge like Vancouver's Symphony of Fire.
Another celebration I was happy to partake in was Halloween. The act of dressing up in costumes and getting hammered is emerging in its popularity among UK adults. I decided that it was only fitting to dress up as Amy Whinehouse. My housemates and I went to a house party (photo) then ventured to a nearby pub. Good times! The final photo is of a vibrantly coloured tree in front of Chester's Cathedral on an autumn day.

While enduring all this fun I've also had my knickers tied up over indecision. Arriving in the UK with a chicken scratch agenda is liberating but at the same time overwhelming. It's like starting a paper without a topic. The opportunity to travel and do it solo is rare so I want to make it count. Over the past few weeks I've asked myself what do I want? What kind of experiences do I hope to have? I've applied these questions not only onto the upcoming year but onto life itself. Making choices without any distraction or influences from other people is pretty cool and the sense of self-reliance is huge. In time one answer revealed itself to me, Scotland baby! I recently gave two weeks notice at the cafe and on November 17th I am taking the train to Glasgow to live. I have never been there before but I know in my heart of hearts there is something for me. I look forward to networking in a big city and what I'll discover in terms of Glasgow's employment & volunteer opportunities, accommodation, people, sports and the arts. I will update with news as it comes hither.

Thinking of you often. xo
PS. Woot Woot Obama!


Towely said...

Another excellent post. So jealous you are off to Scotland. I have elderly relatives there and feel major pull to get my ass over there to meet them before it's too late.

Carlee said...

You will. Your turn will come my dear :)